Promote your participation


1. Invite your relations for free at GreenTech Amsterdam

Inviting relations to visit your stand at the event is one of the most important marketing tools available to you. Research shows that exhibitors who send out invitations achieve a 40% higher yield on average from their participation. This year we have chosen for sustainability and offer you a digital solution only.

Use the provided text, banners, logo's, and images below to generate more attention to your participation. For example on your website, newsletter, emails, flyers and social media channels. Note: it is important to use your own registration link from the Exhibitor Portal to send a free visitor ticket. 

Dear valued guest,

We are proud to be part of GreenTech Amsterdam 2024. This is where we show you our latest innovations & solutions. That's why we give you a free visitor ticket.

Your free registration link:
(NOTE: download your company free visitor link via the Exhibitor Portal)

We are pleased to welcome you at our stand. Find our exact location in the exhibitor list. Aside from meeting eachother again, GreenTech has a lot to offer!

  • Discover concrete answers to all essential questions on technology and innovation in horticulture. 
  • Join knowledge sessions about the crop optimization of vegetables, soft fruits, flowers and medicinal plants. 
  • Learn more about Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, medicinal plants and vertical farming.

GreenTech is thé place to be if you are a professional in the horticulture industry. Make sure you are present in Amsterdam! We can’t wait for the industry to be together again and we look forward to you joining us from 11 – 13 June 2024 at RAI Amsterdam.

More information on


Geachte relatie,

We zijn er trots op deel uit te maken van GreenTech Amsterdam 2024. Hier laten we je onze nieuwste innovaties & oplossingen zien. Daarom ontvang je van ons een link om je gratis te registreren.

Registreer je nu gratis via deze link:
(NOTE: Voeg hier jullie link toe voor een gratis ticket via het EP)

Wij verwelkomen je graag op onze stand. Vind onze exacte locatie in de exposantenlijst. Naast elkaar weer ontmoeten heeft GreenTech veel te bieden! 

  • Ontdek concrete antwoorden op alle essentiële vragen over technologie en innovatie in de tuinbouw.
  • Doe mee aan kennissessies over teeltoptimalisatie van groenten, zacht fruit, bloemen en medicinal plants.
  • Vergaar kennis over Robotica en Artificial Intelligence, medicinal plants en vertical farming.

GreenTech is dé plek voor jou als professional in de tuinbouw. Zorg dat je in Amsterdam aanwezig bent! We kijken ernaar uit je te verwelkomen van 11 – 13 juni 2024 in RAI Amsterdam.

Meer info op


2. Use the logo and email signature

Visualise your presence and pimp your marketing activities! Download our logo & email signature,, link it to your personal registration URL and use it on your website, newsletter and in your email.

GreenTech Amsterdam

Step 3

Join the conversation, follow and like our GreenTech social media channels and make sure your network knows you will be at GreenTech Amsterdam 2024. Download our social template, simply add your stand number and share the image on your social channels. Read the explanation how to insert your logo:

  1. Download the PowerPoint file(s) and open it
  2. Type your stand number in the text frame
  3. Click on archive/file at the top
  4. Save it as a PNG or JPG file
  5. Share it on your social media channels.
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